Data, Documentation, and Approvals
In addition to a full suite of aerospace engineering services, Elisen’s experts offer documentation and support for various projects including the ability to issue supplemental type certificates for a vast number of aircraft types.
Elisen first received its Design Approval Organization accreditation from Transport Canada in 2001 (DAO # 01-Q-01).
Following a reorganization of our operation and expansion into the Maritimes region, in 2013 the DAO was assigned to our office in Nova Scotia (DAO # 13-M-01).
Transport Canada
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Elisen first received its Design Approval Organization accreditation from Transport Canada in 2001 (DAO # 01-Q-01).
Following a reorganization of our operation and expansion into the maritime region, in 2013 the DAO was assigned to our office in Nova Scotia (DAO # 13-M-01).
The breadth of scope of our airworthiness certification activities grew steadily over the years. Today, our DAO delivers airworthiness certification approval projects (STC, RDA & PDA) with the services of TCCA authorized individuals in the disciplines of:
- Aircraft Structures – Design, Strength, Dynamics, Fatigue & Damage Tolerance
- Avionic / Electrical Systems
- Hydro-mechanical Systems
- Interiors & Occupant Safety
- Propulsion
- Aircraft Loads
- Aircraft Performance
- Flight Test
Our scope of authority extends across the spectrum of aircraft types:Part 23 & 25 – Light & Transport Category Airplanes Part 27 & 29 – Light & Transport Category HelicoptersTransport Canada has also recognized our specialists for complex airworthiness certification projects for non-type certified aircraft (e.g. former military fighter jets)
DismissIn 2011, Elisen entered into a strategic partnership to offer EASA approvals (Minor Modification and STC) from EASA Part 21 Design Organization Approval (DOA # EASA.21J.409).
Elisen specialists are authorized to make findings of compliance as EASA Certification Verification Engineers (CVE).
Since 2017, through direct interaction with DND specialists at the Directorate of Technical Airworthiness and Engineering Support (DTAES), Elisen has facilitated the approval by DND numerous complex projects involving avionics and electrical upgrades and special mission capabilities on both ex-military fighter jets and type-certified aircraft.
CE Certification
In 2022, Elisen has extended its service offering to include support for CE Certification. We assist manufacturers to ensure their products meet applicable legal provisions set by the European Union under the CE Marking requirements.