Serving the following market segments:

We specialize in
delivering complex
projects integrating
the following specialty

Aircraft Structures
(strength & vibration)
We undertake all aspects of new design or modifications of aircraft structure:
- New aircraft major component structural design
- Structural design of modifications and repairs
- Static Strength substantiation
- Fatigue and Damage Tolerance substantiation
- Flutter and vibration substantiation through analysis and GVT

Fluid & Mechanical Systems
Our team has designed and certified repairs and enhancements to:
- Hydraulic systems
- Fuel systems
- Oxygen systems
- Water and waste system
- Night Vision systems
- Passenger and cargo door systems
- Pilot/static systems

Avionic & Electrical Systems
We offer a wide spectrum of customized solutions, keeping with the latest innovations in aircraft technologies, adapted to each customer’s specific configuration.
- Flight deck upgrades to follow evolving technologies and regulatory mandates
- Upgrades for aging and obsolete avionics components
- Cabin broadband connectivity solutions
- Solutions for special mission aircraft
- Internal and external lighting upgrades

Aircraft Loads & Performance
For major modifications that change the existing certified weight and performance limits, or changes to external shapes, we perform:
- CFD analysis
- External loads evaluation
- Aircraft Performance evaluation
- Establish flight test requirements and prepare test plans
- Analysis and assessment of flight test results

Occupant Safety
Occupant Safety group guides design and reviews for approval, all changes to interior configurations, large and small. Areas of attention:
- Crew and cabin seating
- Crew rest areas and berths
- Stowage, lavatories and cabinetry
- Galley systems and equipment
- Flammability compliance
- Crew and cabin oxygen systems
- Cabin safety / emergency egress
- Emergency equipment
- Cockpit / human factors engineering
- Smoke detection and penetration
- Baggage and cargo compartments and systems

Weapon & Mission Systems
In our extensive experience with clients supporting the armed forces of North America, Europe and Australia, we have supported platforms with solutions for:
- Electronic Surveillance, including a state-of-the-art AESA radar
- Electronic Warfare
- Target Tow system
- Training Ordnance Drop system
- Night Vision systems
- Upgrades to obsolete egress systems (ejection systems and canopy fracture systems)
- Upgrades to special mission computers
These solutions have been accepted/approved by both civilian and military authorities.